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    Cui Wei v. Sang Chunhua et al: Writ of Summons

    Writ of Summons in Cui Wei v. Sang Chunhua, of China; Lin Xinwu, of China, and Shiliu Investment Group Limited, of the Cayman Islands, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

    Taiping Trustees Ltd. v. Valley Stone Industry Fund Ltd. et al: Writ of Summons

    Writ of Summons in Taiping Trustees Limited, on its own behalf and on behalf of Valley Stone Industry Fund LP (in Voluntary Liquidation) v. Valley Stone Industry Fund Ltd., in its own capacity and in its capacity as General Partner of Valley Stone Industry Fund LP (in Voluntary Liquidation), Huarong International Asset Management Limited, of China, and Huarong International Financial Holdings Limited, of Bermuda, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

    Direct Union Ltd. v. eBroker Holding Ltd.: Winding Up Petition

    Winding Up Petition in Direct Union Limited, of the British Virgin Islands v. eBroker Holding Limited, described as a China-based company that "is in the business of facilitating financial and insurance services between wealthy individuals and financial institutions and insurance issuers", at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

    Black Gold Investment Holdings Inc. et al v. Erin Winczura et al: Amended Complaint (‘$6M Investment Fraud’)

    Amended Complaint alleging investment fraud in Black Gold Investment Holdings Inc., of the British Virgin Islands; HCS Investment Holdings Ltd., of Calgary, Canada, and Semper Luxembourg Holding, of Luxembourg v. Erin Winczura, Canterbury Securities Ltd., Canterbury Group, and Leeward Investments SPC, all of the Cayman Islands, at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands.

    ICM SPC v. Phoenix Commodities PVT Ltd. et al: Originating Application

    Originating Application in ICM SPC, of the Cayman Islands, on behalf of Ancile Special Opportunity and Recovery Fund Segregated Portfolio v. Ryan Jarvis and Rachelle Frisby, as Joint Liquidators of Phoenix Commodities PVT Ltd. (in Liquidation), and Phoenix Commodities PVT Ltd. (in Liquidation) at the British Virgin Islands High Court.