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Netherlands: Meta Platforms Inc. (‘Threats & Stalking’)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from Meta Platforms Inc. regarding a Facebook account - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from the Netherlands - for a criminal investigation into "an unidentified person for threats and stalking offenses".

Peru: Ollanta Moises Humala Tasso

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Peru - for a criminal investigation into someone who is identified as Arturo Layme Maldonado Peru for allegedly making threats against the President of Peru, Ollanta Moises Humala Tasso, and others.

Canada: Sikhsangat.com

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Canada into alleged harassment of journalists Kim Bolan and Terry Milewski via a web-site at www.sikhsangat.com.

France: Jocelyne Zemor

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in France into alleged threats against the daughter of Jocelyne Zemor "unless Ms. Zemor stopped opposing official receptions of the Aide au bein-etre du Soldat Iraelien association, a pro-Israeli organization".

India: Rajiv Dinesh Gadkari(2)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in India into Rajiv Dinesh Gadkari for allegedly harassing and abusing his wife.

India: Rajiv Dinesh Gadkari

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in India into Rajiv Dinesh Gadkari for allegedly harassing and abusing his wife.

Australia: Anthony Porter

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Australia into Anthony Ronald Porter for suspected harassment of his former wife, Jenelle Porter.

Argentina: Banco Provincia de La Rioja

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Argentina into alleged threats made against federal prosecutor Dr. Guillermo Marijuan, Oscar Alfredo Cusa, Rita Nora Navarro and Juan Jose Laxagueborde apparently because of their involvement in an investigation into "fraud against the public administration perpetrated by several hundred persons in connection with irregularities in the retirement pensions granted in the La Rioja Province".

Canada: Corey Spencer Sniderman

Complaint for the arrest of Corey Spencer Sniderman and extradition from the USA to Canada to face charges of fraud, kidnapping, sexual assault, making death threats, intimidation and harassment.  

USA v. Corey Spencer Sniderman: Exhibit and Witness List

U. S. Government Exhibit in a criminal case of 'USA vs. Corey Spencer Sniderman' at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, specifically a letter from Toronto Police Service in February, 2001 stating that, at that time, Sniderman was a "wanted fugitive in Toronto" at that time.