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Republic of Haiti v. Harris Sliwoski LLP et al: Notice of Removal (‘Legal Malpractice’)

Notice of Removal, including a copy of the complaint alleging "legal malpractice action involving shockingly negligent litigation conduct by a law firm that claimed, without Plaintiff’s knowledge or authority, to represent Plaintiff then failed to make the most basic argument on Plaintiff’s behalf that would have avoided the subsequent entry of a $31 million judgment against Plaintiff", in the Republic of Haiti v. Harris Sliwoski LLP, Dan Harris, and John McDonald at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Preble-Rish Haiti SA v. Republic of Haiti et al: Complaint ($10M)

Complaint for damages of $10 million alleging breach of contract and unjust enrichment in Preble-Rish Haiti SA v. Republic of Haiti and Bureau de Monétisation des Programmes d'Aide au Développement at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Preble-Rish Haiti SA v. Republic of Haiti et al: Complaint

Complaint seeking damages of $27 million alleging non-payment for fuel in Preble-Rish Haiti SA, of Haiti v. Republic of Haiti and Bureau de Monétisation de Programmes d'Aide au Développement, of Haiti, at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Preble-Rish Haiti v. Haiti et al: Complaint

Complaint for damages of $27 million in Preble-Rish Haiti S.A., of Haiti v. Republic of Haiti and Le Bureau de Monétisation des Programmes d'Aide au Développement at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Latin America Round-Up: January 4, 2011

BRAZIL Football and fraud Brazil has committed to billions of dollars worth of infrastructure investments in preparation for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games. The opportunities for foreign suppliers, contractors and investors are considerable. So, too, are

Latin America Round Up: July 2, 2008

COLOMBIA: Laundering Through Cows; MEXICO: Cubans Entering US through Mexico; Anti-Drug Plan on the Rocks; New Anti-Laundering Body; Salinas's Money to Return Home; NICARAGUA: Hard Times for Ortega; PERU: Something Smelly In Military Rations; Exoneration for Lawmakers Accused of Accepting Bribes; and REGIONAL: Haiti and Colombia the Most Vulnerable; Smear Campaigns against NGOs.

Latin America Round-Up: December 7, 2006

CHILE: Not As Clean As It Looks; GUATEMALA: Portillo Closer to Home; HAITI: IDT's Blues; INTERNATIONAL: No Good News from TI Report; MEXICO: Smugglers and Launderers Neutralized; No Solution to Oaxaca's Crisis; NICARAGUA: Ortega Returns; REGIONAL: Businesses Worry About Frauds, Hackers and … Laundering; and URUGUAY: The Last of the Free Peiranos.

Offshore attorney accused in alleged Haiti kickback scheme

An offshore attorney has been accused of helping Jean-Bertrand Aristide misappropriate millions of dollars through fraud and corruption while he was president of Haiti.British national Adrian Corr, a 41-year-old partner with Miller Simons O'Sullivan, in the Turks & Caicos Islands, established and administered a shell firm - Mont Salem Management Ltd. - that received and distributed kickbacks and bribes paid by U. S. and Canadian telecommunications carriers to Aristide and his accomplices, it has been alleged. Corr also allegedly wrote at least one letter in which he “falsely represented” that Mont Salem was “a telecommunications carrier” with operations in the U. S. and Canada.