David Keene


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    CISE suspends Argentum Capital after OffshoreAlert exposes Ponzi scheme

    The Channel Islands Securities Exchange yesterday suspended the listing of London-based Argentum Capital Ltd. - three days after OffshoreAlert exposed the litigation fund as part of a £90 m Ponzi scheme headed by Briton Brendan Terrill, who operates Cayman-domiciled Centaur Litigation and Hong Kong-domiciled Buttonwood Legal Capital.

    Argentum Capital litigation fund financed by £90M Ponzi scheme

    London-based litigation fund Argentum Capital, whose shares are listed on the Channel Islands Securities Exchange and whose chairman is retired British judge David Keene, is being financed by what appears to be a £90 m Ponzi scheme headed by Briton Brendan Terrill and involving the BVI, Cayman Islands, Hong Kong, Jersey, Singapore, Thailand and other jurisdictions, OffshoreAlert can reveal.