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    Credit Suisse Virtuoso SICAV-SIF v. Katerra Inc.: Discovery Application (England)

    Application by Credit Suisse Virtuoso SICAV-SIF, of Luxembourg, on behalf of the Sub-Fund Credit Suisse (Lux) Supply Chain Finance Fund, to take discovery from Katerra Inc., of the Cayman Islands, "for use in a planned court proceeding in England against, among potentially other parties, SoftBank Group Corp. and certain of its affiliates including SoftBank Vision Fund LP, SoftBank Vision Fund II-2 LP, SVF Abode (Cayman) Limited, SVF II Abode (Cayman) Limited, and SVF Habitat (Cayman) Limited" involving the insolvent Greensill group, filed at the U. S. District Court for the District of Arizona.

    Credit Suisse Virtuoso SICAV-SIF v. SB Investment Advisers (US), Inc.: Discovery Application

    Application by Credit Suisse Virtuoso SICAV-SIF, of Luxembourg, on behalf of the sub-fund Credit Suisse (Lux) Supply Chain Finance Fund, to take discovery from SB Investment Advisers (US), Inc. for use in "an anticipated court proceeding in England against, among potentially other parties, SoftBank Group Corp. and certain of its affiliates including SoftBank Vision Fund LP, SoftBank Vision Fund II-2 LP, SVF Abode (Cayman) Limited, SVF II Abode (Cayman) Limited, and SVF Habitat (Cayman) Limited", filed at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

    Greensill Capital (UK) Ltd.: Chapter 15 Petition

    Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in England by Trevor O'Sullivan, Christine Laverty, and William Stagg, as the Foreign Representatives of Greensill Capital (UK) Limited, described as "the main trading entity for the Greensill group, a global financial services firm" and "principally in the business of arranging supply chain and other working capital financing solutions for its customers by acquiring receivables, with related rights, and onselling such assets to investors either directly or in the form of receivables-backed notes issued by bankruptcy remote special purpose vehicles", filed at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

    Gupta Family Group Alliance: UK SFO Investigation

    News Release by the United Kingdom's Serious Fraud Office that it is investigating Gupta Family Group Alliance for "suspected fraud, fraudulent trading and money laundering", including "its financing arrangements with Greensill Capital UK Ltd.".

    Credit Suisse: Swiss Enforcement Proceedings

    Press Release by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority that it has "opened enforcement proceedings against Credit Suisse after the bank suffered significant losses in connection with a US hedge fund ("Archegos")" and "opened proceedings against the bank in the context of the 'Greensill' case in March 2021".

    Greensill Bank AG: Chapter 15 Petition

    Chapter 15 Petition for Recognition of a Foreign Main Proceeding in Germany by Dr. Michael C. Frege, as the Foreign Representative of Greensill Bank AG, of Germany, described as "a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Australian company Greensill Capital Pty Limited" that has wholly-owned subsidiaries in Australia, Cayman Islands, and United Kingdom, filed at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

    City of St. Clair Shores Police and Fire Retirement System v. Credit Suisse Group AG et al: Class Action Complaint

    Class Action Complaint on behalf of "all persons who purchased or otherwise acquired Credit Suisse American Depositary Receipts between October 29, 2020 and March 31, 2021" alleging "materially false and misleading statements regarding the Company's business metrics and financial prospects", particularly involving Greensill Capital and Archegos Capital Management, "exposing the Company to billions of dollars in losses" in City of St. Clair Shores Police and Fire Retirement System v. Credit Suisse Group AG, of Switzerland; Thomas Gottstein, Lara J. Warner, and David R. Mathers at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

    Greensill Capital Inc.: Chapter 11 Petition

    Chapter 11 Petition by Greensill Capital Inc., a Delaware-domiciled "financial services company" that "arranged factoring and reverse factoring programs for clients globally" and which is directly owned by Greensill Capital Management (UK) Limited, of the United Kingdom, and indirectly owned by Greensill Capital Pty Limited, of Australia, and is part of a group that includes companies in Australia, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Germany, India, Isle of Man, Netherlands, Singapore, Switzerland, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, and United Kingdom, at the U. S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.

    Bluestone Resources Inc. et al v. Greensill Capital (UK) Ltd. et al: Complaint

    Complaint alleging that "Defendants perpetrated a continuous and profitable fraud on Plaintiffs under the guise of establishing a long-term financing arrangement with Bluestone" in Bluestone Resources Inc., Bluestone Coal Sales Corporation, Blackstone Energy Ltd., James C. Justice II, Cathy L. Justice, and James C. Justice III v. Greensill Capital (UK) Limited, of England; Lex Greensill, described as a resident of the United Kingdom, and Roland Hartley-Urquhart, described as a resident of Florida, at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.