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Newt Utopia: What happened to the little nations that were the first to capitulate to the FATF, OECD and IMF tax bullies?

What happened to the little nations that were the first to capitulate to the FATF, OECD and IMF tax bullies? When the FAFT/OECD began the Non Compliant Countries and Territories (NCCT) ploy, they first went after several very small nations. These small nations were some of the first to capitulate and no longer offer a "harmful tax" competition jurisdiction. I am not saying they didn't deserve some of the abuse heaped upon them, but given the wholesale sleaze that exists in major countries such as the United Kingdom, France, and the United States, particularly on Wall Street, which is littered with dirt bags wearing expensive suits and working for companies with household names such as Citibank and Goldman Sachs, let's put it into its proper perspective …