Lester Bird


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    Allen Stanford Receiver v. Greenberg Traurig LLP et al: Second Amended Complaint

    Second Amended Complaint in Ralph S. Janvey, as court-appointed receiver for the Stanford receivership estate; Sandra Dorrell, Samuel Troice, and Michoacan Trust, individually and on behalf of a class of all others similarly situated, v. Greenberg Traurig LLP, Greenberg Traurig PA, and Yolanda Suarez at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

    Allen Stanford Receiver v. Greenberg Traurig LLP et al: First Amended Complaint

    First Amended Complaint in Ralph S. Janvey, as court-appointed receiver for the Stanford receivership estate; Sandra Dorrell, Samuel Troice, and Michoacan Trust, individually and on behalf of a class of all others similarly situated, v. Greenberg Traurig LLP, Greenberg Traurig PA,  and Yolanda Suarez at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

    Allen Stanford Receiver v. Greenberg Traurig, LLP et al: Motion to Certify Class

    Plaintiffs' Opposed Motion to Certify Class in Ralph S. Janvey, in his capacity as Court-appointed receiver for the Stanford Receivership Estate; the Official Stanford Investors Committee, Pam Reed, Samuel Troice, and Michoacan Trust, individually and on behalf of a class of all others similarly situated, v. Greenberg Traurig, LLP, Hunton & Williams, LLP, and Yolanda Suarez.

    Allen Stanford Receiver v. Greenberg Traurig, LLP et al: Complaint

    Ralph Janvey, as Receiver for the Stanford Receivership Estate; The Official Stanford Investors Committee, Sandra Dorrell, Samuel Troice, and Michoacan Trust v. Greenberg Traurig, LLP, Hunton & Williams, LLP, and Yolanda Suarez at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas.

    Insider Talking: March 11, 2009

    PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers (Bermuda) have paid the State of New Jersey $5.85 million to resolve allegations of fraud and accounting improprieties at Tyco International Ltd., according to a press release issued by New Jersey's Attorney General, Anne Milgram, on

    Bermuda bank accounts at center of Antigua corruption allegations

    Accounts at the Bank of Bermuda and Butterfield Bank were used to launder millions of dollars of criminal proceeds stemming from corruption by former Antigua Prime Minister Lester Bird and his associates, it has been claimed. The Bank of Bermuda account was controlled by Asot Michael, Bird's former Chief of Staff and a current Opposition Member of Parliament, and the Butterfield Bank account was controlled by Bruce Rappaport, an offshore banker who is a former Antigua Ambassador to Israel and Russia and who was once the single biggest shareholder in the Bank of New York, according to the current Antigua Government. 

    Wachovia Bank seeks to avoid giving records to Antigua corruption investigators

    Wachovia Bank is trying to avoid turning over records to the Antigua Government for an investigation into alleged corruption by former Prime Minister Lester Bird, offshore banker Bruce Rappaport and others. The North Carolina-domiciled bank has applied for a protective order in a civil complaint filed by the Government of Antigua and Barbuda at the Eleventh Judicial Circuit Court for Miami-Dade County, Florida on February 23, 2006. 

    Newt Utopia: March 31, 2004

    Around the Caribbean Antigua is completely and totally Birdless 90% plus of those eligible to vote queued up in the rain to cast their ballot. People stood in lines for hours to make their mark and boy did they. It

    Antigua Government refutes claims about Eurofed Bank liquidation

    Last month's lead article about the fight for the assets of Eurofed Bank prompted a representative of the Antigua government to send a letter of complaint to OffshoreAlert.Wrenford Ferrance, Antigua's Director of the Office of National Drug Control and Money Laundering Policy, has denied that the liquidation of Eurofed is being carried out in secret, as we have been told.

    Insider Talking: February 29, 2000

    Keith King and the Transglobal Investment Fund, Antigua PM Lester Bird seeks to have financial advisory lifted, Viktor Kozeny sued in the Bahamas, U. S. and Bermuda discuss new treaty, Quantum Trading offers suspiciously high returns, Mezzanine Capital in middle of pump and dump, and Michael Creft: From Manitoba Department of Highways employee to Grenada's chief offshore regulator