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Great Western Insurance Company v. Gregory Tolaram: Opposition to Motion to Dismiss

Plaintiff's Opposition to Bermuda-based Gregory Tolaram's Motion to Dismiss a complaint alleging he participated in a fraud involving Cayman Islands-domiciled Alpha Re Limited in Great Western Insurance Company v. Gregory Tolaram, of Bermuda, et al at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Belvedere Management firm wound-up over ‘£36 m boiler room scam’

A British affiliate of Belvedere Management Group that is ultimately-owned by Cayman Islands-domiciled Brighton SPC has been wound up "in the public interest" in London for involvement in a boiler room fraud that swindled investors out of £36 million. Another Belvedere affiliate is fighting a similar winding-up petition.

Insider Talking: July 6, 2010

Nevis Court of Appeals issues bizarre ruling against Millennium Financial fraud victims and in favor of their alleged tormentor (Ian Scott, who is currently under indictment in California); in a separate action, asset planners in the US allegedly portrayed Nevis as the perfect place to hide money from creditors, according to a client who claimed to have been defrauded by those selling him the plan; The U. K. Serious Fraud Office suffers another reverse as a jury acquits former Imperial Consolidated principals Jared Brook and Lincoln Fraser on one fraud count and is undecided on another; and the SFO hopes to have better luck with recently-filed fraud charges against Terry Lindon and Giles Hutchinson, who were involved in an Imperial Consolidated spin-off known as Invaro.

Insider Talking: March 11, 2009

PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP and PricewaterhouseCoopers (Bermuda) have paid the State of New Jersey $5.85 million to resolve allegations of fraud and accounting improprieties at Tyco International Ltd., according to a press release issued by New Jersey's Attorney General, Anne Milgram, on