Abdulrahman Mutabagani v. Muhammad Samer bin Mahmoud Abdul-Hadi et al: Discovery Application (Saudi Arabia)

Application by Abdulrahman Mutabagani , described as a citizen and resident of Saudi Arabia, to take discovery from Muhammad Samer bin Mahmoud Abdul-Hadi, described as “a Saudi Arabian citizen who resides in New York”, and JPMorgan Chase Bank NA for use in legal proceedings in Saudi Arabia “against Mr. Abdul-Hadi for breach of contract, among other potential causes of action, based on this wrongful conduct” to recover $41 million, filed at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

  • 83
    October 26, 2022
    Muhammad Samer bin Mahmoud Abdul-Hadi
    Xx Xx Xx
    Abdulrahman Mutabagani