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Czech Republic: U.S. Military

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from the U.S. Military - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from the Czech Republic - for a criminal investigation into "A, B, C, and D, Czech military officials (collectively, the defendants), for extortion, disobeying order, breach of guard duty, and failure to provide assistance".

Poland: Mirosław Maciej Maleńczuk

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence from Facebook inc. - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Poland - for a criminal investigation into Mirosław Maciej Maleńczuk, who was described as "a well-known musician in Poland who has a large fan base on Facebook", for suspected assault of the "leader" of a "pro-abortion" organization known as "Foundation Pro-Prawo do Zycia".

‘Domestic assault allegations against me are false,’ states Cayman attorney David Marshall

Response from Cayman Islands-based, British attorney David Marshall to questions from OffshoreAlert regarding his arrest in Miami Beach, Florida and a criminal charge for domestic assault. Attached to the response is a "Press Release", purportedly from his wife, Jennifer Marshall, claiming, among other things, that "The allegations made by the City of Miami Beach Police Department against David are false" and that "My injuries were not the result of any battery or violent acts that David committed against me."

Cayman lawyer David Marshall arrested in Miami Beach for domestic assault

British attorney David Marshall, a partner with Cayman Islands law firm Maples and Calder, has been arrested and criminally charged with felony aggravated battery causing "great bodily harm" in Miami Beach after allegedly violently assaulting his 15-year wife and mother of his three children in their hotel room on his birthday while drunk.

David Marshall: Booking Photo & Court Docket

Booking Photo & Court Docket for David Marshall, a British attorney who is a partner with Maples and Calder law firm in the Cayman Islands, following his arrest on suspicion of domestic assault in Miami Beach, Florida, on October 5th, 2019.

State of Florida v. David Marshall: Complaint/Arrest Affidavit

Complaint/Arrest Affidavit for Felony Aggravated Battery With Great Bodily Harm in The State of Florida v. David Marshall, a British attorney practising in the Cayman Islands, where he is a partner with Maples and Calder law firm, in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Sergey Magnitsky et al v. Russia: News Release & Judgment

News Release & Judgment in Sergey Magnitsky, deceased, an auditor charged with tax evasion regarding USA-born, London-based hedge fund principal Bill Browder; Magnitsky's widow, Nataliya Zharikova, and his mother, Natalia Magnitskiya v. The Government of Russia at the European Court of Human Rights. The Court ordered Russia to pay €34,000 in damages to Magnitsky's wife and mother for Magnitsky's "ill-treatment" in prison. The Court appeared to reject Browder's claim that Magnitsky was detained and killed for blowing the whistle on alleged fraud by Russian officials, determining that "the enquiry into alleged tax evasion which had led to Mr Magnitskiy's arrest had begun long before he had complained of fraud by officials. The decision to arrest him had only been made after investigators had learned that he had previously applied for a UK visa, had booked tickets to Kyiv, and had not been residing at his registered address. Furthermore, the evidence against him, including witness testimony, had been enough to satisfy an objective observer that he might have committed the offence in question. The list of reasons given by the domestic court to justify his subsequent detention had been specific and sufficiently detailed. The Court thus rejected the applicants' complaint about Mr Magnitskiy's arrest and subsequent detention as being manifestly ill-founded."

State of Florida v. McKeeva Bush: Not Guilty Plea

Notice of Appearance and Written Plea of Not Guilty in The State of Florida v. William McKeeva Bush at the Circuit Court for the 17th Judicial Circuit, in and for Broward County, Florida.

Sweden: Abbas Makhdoom

Complaint for the extradition of Abbas Makhdoom from the USA to Sweden to face a charge of aggravated assault.

Canada: Ziad Akl

Complaint to Extradite Ziad Akl from the USA to Canada to face charges of assault.

Venezuela: Hugo Eduardo Garcia Pelegrin

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Venezuela - for a criminal investigation into Hugo Eduardo Garcia Pelegrin for suspected psychological violence, threats and economic violence against his wife.

Curacao: Rudolph Humphrey Max Oehlers

Complaint for the extradition of Rudolph Humphrey Max Oehlers from the USA to Curacao to face charges of stalking, assault, kidnapping, and trespassing.

Mexico: Argenio Aleaga Aguilera

Complaint to extradite Argenio Aleaga Aguilera from the USA to Mexico to face allegations of assault and robbery.

Canada: Richard Dean Morano

Complaint to extradite Richard Dean Morano from the USA to Canada to face allegations of assault during the G20 Summit held in Toronto in June, 2010.

Canada: Kevin Chianella

Complaint to extradite Kevin Chianella from the USA to Canada to face allegations of assault and arson during the G20 Summit held in Toronto in June, 2010.

Netherlands: Selle Tigabu

Complaint for the Extradition of Selle Tigabu from the USA to The Netherlands to face allegations of attempted manslaughter.

Netherlands: Tomas Bierings

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from The Netherlands - to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into Tomas Bierings for alleged assault.

United Kingdom: Jaswinder Singh Rana

Complaint for the arrest of Jaswinder Singh Rana, a.k.a. Suchet Singh, and extradition from the USA to the United Kingdom to face charges of attempted murder, grievous bodily harm and aggravated burglary.

United Kingdom: Julio Marques Martins Paes

Complaint for the arrest of Julio Marques Martins Paes and extradition from the USA to the United Kingdom to face charges of false imprisonment, attempted murder and unlawful wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm.

Latvia: Aleksandrs Moskalevs

Complaint for the arrest of Aleksandrs Moskalevs and extradition from the USA to Latvia for alleged assault and robbery.

Canada: Munilall Sarjoo

Complaint for the arrest of Munilall Sarjoo and extradition from the USA to Canada to face charges of aggravated assault and assault with a weapon.

Costa Rica: Oscar Landron Blanco

Complaint for the arrest of Oscar Landron Blanco and extradition from the USA to Costa Rica to face charges regarding the alleged armed robbery and assault of an elderly man.

Netherlands: Lennart Alexander Winnemuller

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in the Netherlands into Lennart Alexander Winnemuller for allegedly violently assaulting Jessy David, Kendra Kade, Virginia Mozely and Jenna Schmidt.

Netherlands seeks evidence from Wisconsin resident for assault-extortion investigation

Article based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged extortion, assault and threatening behavior - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from the Netherlands - that was filed at federal court on USA on May 29, 2008. Individuals mentioned in the request for assistance include Anthony Alberto Pinas and Thomas Richard Feroah.

Italy: Abdellatif Zemzami et al

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into Abdellatif Zemzami and Anas Zemzami for allegedly assaulting Andrew Steward Eyster as part of an attempted robbery.

Canada: Brian Lee Montgomery

Complaint for the arrest of Brian Lee Montgomery and extradition from the USA to Canada to face charges of assault, sexual assault and making death threats.

Canada: Nebosja Ned Maodus

Application for the appointment of Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Canada into Nebosja Ned Maodus for alleged assault.

France: John A. Washington

Complaint for the arrest of John A. Washington and extradition from the USA to France to face a charge of assault with a weapon.
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