Florida Circuit Court (St. Lucie County)


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Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Corp. v. Caribbean News Now et al: Libel Complaint

Complaint alleging libel regarding articles "that falsely accuse Galaxy of misappropriating funds, defrauding investors, and misleading the government and people of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis in connection with a real estate development project that will bring a 273-suite luxury resort to the island of St. Kitts" in Caribbean Galaxy Real Estate Corporation v. Barry Randall, a former resident of the Cayman Islands who moved to Florida, and Caribbean News Now at the Circuit Court of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit for St. Lucie County, Florida. Editor's Note: Barry Randall died on June 12th, 2019 - just over two months after this complaint was filed. The action is ongoing, with Randall replaced as a party by his Estate following his death.