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UK SFO News Release: Timothy Schools Conviction & 14-Year Prison Sentence

News Release by the United Kingdom's Serious Fraud Office announcing that Timothy Schools has been "jailed for 14 years" after being convicted of a "no-win-no-fee fraud" involving entities in the Cayman Islands, England, France, Isle of Man, Marshall Islands, Panama, Spain, and Switzerland.

BVI Commission of Inquiry: Commissioner’s Report

Report of Commissioner Gary Hickinbottom regarding a British Virgin Islands Commission of Inquiry "into whether there was information that corruption, abuse of office or other serious dishonesty in relation to officials, whether statutory, elected or public, may have taken place in recent years".

Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares Guilty Plea

Press Release by the U. S. Department of Justice announcing that Luis Enrique Martinelli Linares, described as "a citizen of Panama and Italy", has pleaded guilty "for laundering $28 million in connection with a massive bribery and money laundering scheme involving Odebrecht S.A., a Brazil-based global construction conglomerate".

Dr. Jonathan Levy v. OneCoin: News Release & Petition

News Release and Petition by Dr. Jonathan Levy, a lawyer based in England, "acting on behalf of investors and creditors of OneCoin", described as "one of the largest and most successful financial pyramids in history", seeking "an investigation of misfeasance by the Bulgarian government" for taking "no steps to seize assets from OneCoin including real estate, bank accounts, and 230,000 Bitcoins worth over €12 billion".

Think Capital Ltd.: Investigation Notice

Announcement by Intel Suisse, a financial investigation and asset recovery firm, that it "has been engaged to investigate and seek recovery of financial losses arising from multiple trading platform failures at online tradng platform Thinkmarkets, a global portal offered by Think Capital Limited of Bermuda".

Gupta Family Group Alliance: UK SFO Investigation

News Release by the United Kingdom's Serious Fraud Office that it is investigating Gupta Family Group Alliance for "suspected fraud, fraudulent trading and money laundering", including "its financing arrangements with Greensill Capital UK Ltd.".

Stuart Coles: LinkedIn Profile

LinkedIn Profile of Dubai-based British national Stuart Coles, part of a group of companies in Britain and the Middle East doing business as 'Coworth Investments' and 'Novus', on January 30th, 2021 in which he, inter alia, described himself as "Co-Founder & Chief Executive Officer" of "Novus Bank", of "Zug, Switzerland", which, in reality, does not exist. Coles deleted the profile on February 11th, 2021 - two hours after OffshoreAlert started asking him questions about his business interests.

Rationale Asset Management Plc et al: ‘Winding Up’ Announcement

Press Release by the Insolvency Service, in the United Kingdom, announcing that Rationale Asset Management Plc, Value Asset Management Plc, and Merydion Corporation Limited, which were involved in "property investments", have been "wound up in the public interest".

Travala Ltd.: Strike Off Notice (2021)

First Gazette Notice by the United Kingdom's Registrar of Companies that Travala Limited will be compulsorily struck off "unless cause is shown to the contrary" within two months.

Privilege Wealth Plc: Appointment of Liquidators

Notice that David Ingram and Michael Leeds, both of Grant Thornton, have been appointed as liquidators of Privilege Wealth Plc, filed at Companies House for England and Wales.

Minerva Development Group Ltd. et al: £2.8M Misappropriation

Press Release by The Insolvency Service in the United Kingdom announcing that Minerva Development Group Limited and Cohesion Business Development Ltd. "were wound up in the public interest on 29 September 2020 after the High Court found that the investment-raising activities of the companies were entirely without substance, with at least £2.85 million of investors' funds - raised through issuing of bonds - had disappeared".

Strachans SA: Guilty Plea

News Release by the U.S. Department of Justice entitled 'Jersey/Swiss Financial Services Firm Admits to Conspiring with U.S. Taxpayers to Hide Assets and Income in Offshore Accounts - Strachans SA in Liquidation Pleads Guilty'.

Peter Roebuck et al: Disqualifications

Press Release by The Insolvency Service, in the United Kingdom, announcing 12-year disqualifications on Peter John Roebuck and Francis Edward Tarling for misappropriating £9 million.

Katherine Hitchins v. Babbé LLP: Guernsey Tribunal Decision

Decision by the Employment and Discrimination Tribunal, in Guernsey, in the Channel Islands, finding that a partner in Babbé law firm was "constructively dismissed and that it was an unfair dismissal" following a "false" and "maliciously motivated" allegation by another partner, Robert Varley, in Katherine D. Hitchins v. Babbé LLP. Editor's Note: In an action that indicates either preferential treatment or a legal challenge, the 'Extended Reasons' for this 'Decision' were published on the 'Tribunal Decisions 2020' part of the Government of Guernsey's website and then removed, meaning it is the only published Decision for 2020 that does not include this information. When asked why this had been done, a Tribunal spokesperson told OffshoreAlert today: "I am not in a position to comment on the reasons the Tribunal's full decision was taken down. I will advise you when they are back up on the site." OffshoreAlert obtained the 'Extended Reasons' separately, from a 'concerned individual'. The Decision was reinstated to the website on March 1st, 2021. Meanwhile, Robert Varley, a funds and corporate lawyer whose "false" allegation was determined to have been "motivated by frustration, revenge, or possibly anger", left Babbé in 2018 and became a partner of Appleby law firm, in the British Virgin Islands, a position he left the same month the Tribunal Decision was published.

Alexander Nix: Disqualification

Press Release by The Insolvency Service, in the United Kingdom, announcing the disqualification of Alexander James Ashburner Nix, a former CEO of Cambridge Analytica.

Nigeria, Jersey, & USA: $311M Repatriation Agreement

News Release, and a copy of a "trilateral agreement among the governments of the United States, Nigeria and the Bailiwick of Jersey", by the U. S. Department of Justice announcing the repatriation to Nigeria of $311 million that were allegedly the proceeds of corruption involving General Sani Abacha, Ibrahim Sani Abacha, Abubakar Atiku Bagudu, lsmaila Gwarzo, Alhaji Ahmadu Daura, Chief Anthony Ani, David Umaru, Doraville Properties Corporation, Eagle Alliance International Limited, Harbour Engineering and Construction Limited, Mecosta Securities Inc., Morgan Procurement Corporation, Rayville International SA, The Ridley Trust, Ridley Group Limited, and Standard Alliance Financial Services Limited.

1MDB: $300M Repatriation

News Release by the U. S. Department of Justice announcing that "U.S. Repatriates $300 Million to Malaysia in Proceeds of Funds Misappropriated from 1Malaysia Development Berhad".

USA v. Donville Inniss: Finding of Guilt

News Release from the United States Department of Justice announcing that Donville Inniss, described as a "Former Member of Barbados Parliament and Minister of Industry", has been "found guilty" for his role in a bribery scheme that, as previously reported by OffshoreAlert, involved insurers Insurance Corporation of Barbados Ltd., of Barbados, and BF&M Ltd., of Bermuda, which was the majority shareholder of ICBL.

Jeffrey Cooley: Sentencing Announcement

News Release by the United States Department of Justice announcing the sentencing for filing a false tax return of Jeffrey Cooley, described as an owner of Southpac Trust (BVI) Limited.

Union Bancaire Privée: US DoJ News Release

News Release by the U. S. Department of Justice announcing an "Addendum to Swiss Bank Program Category 2 Non-Prosecution Agreement with Union Bancaire Privée, UBP SA".

LFP I SICAV SIF SA: Lawsuit Announcement

News Release by LFP I SICAV SIF SA announcing that it has "initiated judicial claims in the commercial court in Luxembourg against its former directors, including Luc Leleux (founder), Julien Renaux (founder), Mark Stephens, and Jonathan Burger" regarding a sub-fund operated by Columna Commodities.

First Global Credit: Domain Seizure

Announcement on the website of Switzerland-domiciled cryptocurrency exchange operator XBT Corp. Sarl, d.b.a. First Global Credit, at www.firstglobalcredit.com that the domain name has been seized by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, of the United States. XBT Corp. is controlled and operated by Gavin John Smith and Marcie Debra Terman, both citizens of the United Kingdom.

‘Domestic assault allegations against me are false,’ states Cayman attorney David Marshall

Response from Cayman Islands-based, British attorney David Marshall to questions from OffshoreAlert regarding his arrest in Miami Beach, Florida and a criminal charge for domestic assault. Attached to the response is a "Press Release", purportedly from his wife, Jennifer Marshall, claiming, among other things, that "The allegations made by the City of Miami Beach Police Department against David are false" and that "My injuries were not the result of any battery or violent acts that David committed against me."

David Marshall: Booking Photo & Court Docket

Booking Photo & Court Docket for David Marshall, a British attorney who is a partner with Maples and Calder law firm in the Cayman Islands, following his arrest on suspicion of domestic assault in Miami Beach, Florida, on October 5th, 2019.

‘MLAT publication is breach of Europe’s GDPR,’ claims Spanish citizen

'Legal Statement' sent to OffshoreAlert by Juan Carlos Escrucería Gutierrez, "a Spanish citizen", requesting the removal of a publicly-available MLAT document that OffshoreAlert obtained from federal court in Miami, claiming that its publication amounts to a breach of the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation and is punishable by a fine of up to €20 million.

Sergey Magnitsky et al v. Russia: News Release & Judgment

News Release & Judgment in Sergey Magnitsky, deceased, an auditor charged with tax evasion regarding USA-born, London-based hedge fund principal Bill Browder; Magnitsky's widow, Nataliya Zharikova, and his mother, Natalia Magnitskiya v. The Government of Russia at the European Court of Human Rights. The Court ordered Russia to pay €34,000 in damages to Magnitsky's wife and mother for Magnitsky's "ill-treatment" in prison. The Court appeared to reject Browder's claim that Magnitsky was detained and killed for blowing the whistle on alleged fraud by Russian officials, determining that "the enquiry into alleged tax evasion which had led to Mr Magnitskiy's arrest had begun long before he had complained of fraud by officials. The decision to arrest him had only been made after investigators had learned that he had previously applied for a UK visa, had booked tickets to Kyiv, and had not been residing at his registered address. Furthermore, the evidence against him, including witness testimony, had been enough to satisfy an objective observer that he might have committed the offence in question. The list of reasons given by the domestic court to justify his subsequent detention had been specific and sufficiently detailed. The Court thus rejected the applicants' complaint about Mr Magnitskiy's arrest and subsequent detention as being manifestly ill-founded."

Privilege Wealth Plc: Third Progress Report of Administrators

Administrators' Progress Report by insolvency practitioners Stephen Katz and John Kelmanson regarding Privilege Wealth Plc, a British firm that collapsed after being exposed as the perpetrator of an investment fraud by OffshoreAlert in 2016.

Donald Trump & Ukraine: Whistleblower Complaint

Whistleblower Complaint to the Intelligence Committees of the U. S. Senate and House of Representatives regarding allegations of abuse of office involving U. S. President Donald Trump and the Government of Ukraine.

Bruce Blake et al: Press Release – Criminal Charges

Press Release by the Cayman Islands Anti-Corruption Commission regarding criminal charges of corruption, false accounting, and money laundering against Bruce Blake and Canover Watson, both former senior officials with the Cayman Islands Football Association.

Anthony Smellie: Questions Re. Cayman Islands Court Secrecy

Questions from OffshoreAlert to the Chief Justice of the Cayman Islands, Anthony Smellie, regarding his Court's mass sealing of financial services cases and the Court's secrecy practices, to which Smellie did not respond.