Dieter Behring

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Second application for evidence made in Dieter Behring investigation

Articled based on an application to collect evidence for a criminal investigation into alleged investment fraud - pursuant to a request for judicial assistance from Switzerland - that was filed at federal court in the USA on May 16, 2006. Individuals and businesses mentioned in the request for assistance include Dieter Behring, Walter Mader, Arthur Buck, Beat Bangerter, Jean Kampf, Peter Josef Weibel, Willy Wuthrich, Raymond Pousaz, Anita Zweifel-Reidy, Dr. Stefan Suter, Daniel Borter, Markus Raess, Jorg Honegger, Carmen Rosat-Wyss, Dumartheray, Susanne Hasse, Almesa Fund Two Ltd., Almyx Fund, Alpine Fund, Alto Fund, Cedux International, Cedux Fund, Excolatur, HNI Cap Fund,HNI Growth Fund, MC Premier Return Fund, Moore Park Preferred Return Fund, Platinum Capital Invest, Realto Invest Bahamas, RS Fixed Fund, Secu Value Classic Fund, Solo Fund, Moore Park Investments, Moore Park International, Moore Park Asset Management, Moore Park Fund Services, Moore Park Funding, Swisspulse Holding, Swisspulse Real Estate, Redswiss Holding, RICIR AG, Redsafe Immobilien AG, Swisspulse Systems, Redsafe Systems, Rewswiss Systems, Swisspule Marketing, Redsafe Consulting, Swisspulse Corporate Investment, Schonkind Holding, QED Consulting, Redsafe Holding, Schonkind Asset Management, Redsafe Asset Management, Redsafe Investment Services, Hornblower Fischer Zurich, KB&P Consulting, Hansabank, Moore Consulting, Moore Park Companies, Global Forex Trading, JP Morgan Chase, Bank One Corporation, and Cortal Consors SA.

Switzerland: Dieter Behring et al (May 2006)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Switzerland into Dieter Behring, Arthur Buck, Beat Bengerter, Jean Kampf, Peter Josef Weibel, Willy Wuthrich, Raymond Pousaz and Anita Zweifel-Reidy for alleged investment fraud, theft, forgery and money laundering involving Moore Park Funding and related companies.

Switzerland: Dieter Behring et al (April 2006)

Application for the appointment of a Commissioner to collect evidence for a criminal investigation in Switzerland into Dieter Behring, Arthur Buck, Beat Bangerter, Jean Kampf, Peter Josef Weibel, Willy Wuthrich, Raymond Pousaz, and Anita Zweifel-Reidy for suspected fraud, embezzlement, forgery and money laundering.

Insider Talking: January 31, 2005

Search the Internet for 'Caledonian Offshore Ltd.' and you will receive a plethora of hits for web-sites containing allegations that the firm engages in wholesale illegal activity, specifically that it takes money from residents of third-world countries on the false promise that they will be offered jobs in the offshore oil industry; Tthere is still no sign of the US Postal Service taking any action against another up-front-cash-for-non-existent-jobs fraudster - Rommy Kriplani, a few years after OffshoreAlert handed them more than enough evidence to bring a prosecution for mail fraud; Ten months after the closure of Canada-based OFC Publications Inc., which published Offshore Finance Canada and Offshore Finance USA magazines, another publisher of news about offshore financial centers and issues that affect them has closed down; The Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom has refused an application for 'permission to carry on regulated activities' by Target Asset Management Limited, whose links with accused fraudster Sendjer Shefket were first revealed by OffshoreAlert on June 30, 2003; The Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Second Circuit in Panama has allowed a request from former employees of the now-defunct Harris Organization to freeze US$800,000 of its assets on the grounds that they were fired illegally, according to a report in El Panama America newspaper on December 27, 2004; Bermuda hotelier and former Minister of Tourism David Dodwell has settled litigation with a former business partner that lasted more than 12 years, spanned courts in three countries and was notable for its acrimony; British solicitor Mark Agombar, who was banned as a company director for six years in the United Kingdom last year for his part in a timeshare scam, was named as a defendant in a civil complaint filed by Johnston International Limited at the Turks & Caicos Islands Supreme Court on April 30, 2004; and The Securities Commission of the Bahamas announced on November 16, 2004 that it was "monitoring" a criminal investigation in Switzerland into suspected investment fraud and money laundering by Dieter Behring and "assessing any possible connections Mr. Behring may have with existing licensees or registrants of the Commission.

Insider Talking: October 31, 2004

Swiss financier Dieter Behring, 49, was arrested in Switzerland on October 19, 2004 on suspicion of financial investment fraud and money laundering, according to news service Swissinfo; Paradigm Holdings Limited, which has been implicated in an alleged scam involving investments in wine, was placed into provisional liquidation at the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands on October 12, 2004; The sentencing of former offshore bank charter broker Jerome Schneider for conspiracy to commit fraud, which was scheduled to take place in late October, has been postponed to December 6, 2004 at the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of California; As previously forecast by OffshoreAlert, a default judgment against Bermuda-based investment firm Lines Overseas Management Limited and RBC Dominion Securities Inc. has been thrown out at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of Alabama; and LOM's principals, Brian and Scott Lines, have been accused of violating Section 13D of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 by failing to timely disclose their beneficial ownership of River Capital Group Inc.