Giuseppe Joseph Castiglione

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Banakor Swisse insider Ted Chadwick charged with fraud in Canada

A senior officer with the Bahamas based Banakor Swisse financial group has been criminally charged with fraud in his native Canada concerning an alleged high yield investment scam.Ted Chadwick, a 77 year old Canadian national residing in Beeton, Ontario, was

Insider Talking: February 4, 2006

A U. S.-based professional organization for private investigators has revoked the membership of Cayman Islands-based PI William Claude C. Myles for “professional misconduct” and violations of its code of ethics; What is the going rate for climbing into bed with crooks to ‘throw' a liquidation so the bad guys can continue to profit at the expense of true creditors? Try £1,624 (US$2,870) per day!; A victim of 72-year-old serial fraudster Keem Kalfon, a.k.a. Chaim Kalfon, a.k.a. Chaim Chalfon, has set up a web-site at following the collapse of his latest scheme, known as LifeStyle Master Inc.; Once again proving that there is no hiding place for financial criminals, no matter which country they flee to when looking for a rock to hide under, the U. S. Government recently arranged the deportation from Panama of accused fraudster David Alan Struckman, a co-founder of the Global Prosperity Group; and If Bahamas-based investment scam group Banakor Swisse is indeed behind several menacing telephone calls that have been anonymously made to OffshoreAlert's publisher over several months, as evidence indicates, it would not be the first time that the group has reacted crudely to an investigative journalist writing negatively about its fraudulent activities.

Banakor Swisse raises money around firms that no longer exist

A scam by Bahamas-based Banakor Swisse is so low-budget that several shell firms it raises money around have been struck off for non-payment of their $350 annual government fee, OffshoreAlert can reveal. The fact that these sham entities are no longer legally in existence has not stopped Banakor Swisse from continuing to raise funds in their names by holding them out to the public as bona fide businesses.

OffshoreAlert Awards: Best and Worst of 2005

It was the usual round of lies, broken promises, incompetence, and losses in 2005 in the murky world that OffshoreAlert forces itself to inhabit to investigate and expose financial crimes. As each year passes, it becomes increasingly obvious to us that illegal, immoral, unethical, and incompetent behavior in business are the norm, rather than the exception. OffshoreAlert has dumpster-dived through all the trash that we have found during the year, picked out the smelliest items, and used them as the basis for our ‘Best and Worst' awards.

Securities fraud scheme by Joseph Castiglione’s Bahamas-based Banakor Swisse

An unlicensed offshore broker that is headed by a convicted criminal and banned company director appears to be peddling worthless securities to the public, OffshoreAlert can reveal.Evidence suggests that Bahamas-based Banakor Swisse S. A. is cold-calling residents of the United States and attempting to sell them shares in companies that appear to have no bona fide activity.

Insider Talking: September 30, 2004

Three bankers who allegedly swindled their former employer, NatWest, in a deal involving Enron and a Cayman Islands registered company appeared in court in England on September 28, 2004 as they seek to avoid extradition to the United States. Gary

Sale of unregistered stock in Bahamas-based IBC comes to a halt

An offering memorandum for shares in a Bahamas-registered IBC was taken off the Internet recently immediately after Offshore Alert began asking questions about it.Offshore Alert had downloaded a "Memorandum" relating to the sale of up to 2.5 million shares for $10 each in a company called Ltd., which was incorporated on August 3, 1999.