Lewis Bateman

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HTC Trading Inc.: Directors

Director Details for HTC Trading Inc., obtained from the Cayman Islands General Registry on July 6th, 2022.

Voyager Digital Holdings Inc. et al: Chapter 11 Petition

Chapter 11 Petition by Voyager Digital Holdings Inc., of New York; Voyager Digital LLC, of New Jersey, and Voyager Digital Ltd., of Canada, which are part of a group comprising entities in Canada, Cayman Islands, Denmark, Estonia, France, United Kingdom, and USA that operates "a cryptocurrency brokerage" that is "facing a short-term 'run on the bank' due to the downturn in the cryptocurrency industry generally and the default of a significant loan made to a third party", which was identified as British Virgin Islands-domiciled, Singapore-based "cryptocurrency hedge fund" Three Arrows Capital Ltd., filed at the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.