Morrison Cross Financial Investments

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Morrison Cross victims targeted in recovery scam

Victims of a securities fraud perpetrated by Panama-based Morrison Cross Financial Investments are being contacted by a bogus law firm offering 'assistance' in recouping their investments.OffshoreAlert has obtained a copy of a letter sent to an MCFI client on November 26, 2002 by "Bruce Porter" of "Carter Sprott & Porter LLP", with an address and telephone number in Texas.

Insider Talking: February 28, 2001

Offshore regulators act against banks named in U. S. Senate's 'Correspondent Banking: A Gateway to Money Laundering' report, Marc Harris denounces attempt to strip him of Panamanian citizenship, David Voth comes up with a novel excuse as to why he can't make investment pay-outs, complaints about Morrison Cross Financial Investments start coming in, details of relatively-recent lawsuits involving Jerome Schneider and/or related entities, U. S. court approves settlement plan between Heartland Financial Services and investors who received "false profits", Pittsburgh travel agent Roy Davis Jr. becomes latest victim of John Mathewson's co-operation with US authorities, sset freeze order issued against Midpoint Trading Corporation, Euro Bank Corp. 'Preliminary Inquiry' hearing starts in Cayman Islands.