Narinder Singh

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USA v. Nancy Metzler et al: Amended Complaint (‘Undisclosed Swiss & UK Accounts’)

Amended Complaint to collect penalties totaling $590,000 from the Estate of Narinder Singh, who "willfully failed to disclose" five accounts at at Union Bancaire Privée in Switzerland and one at Barclays Bank PLC in the United Kingdom whose "highest aggregate balance" in 2011 was "more than $7.2 million" in USA v. Nancy Metzler and Shalu Arjomand, each in their capacity as Executor for the Estate of Narinder Singh, at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

USA v. Narinder Singh: Complaint (‘Unreported Offshore Accounts’)

Complaint to collect unpaid penalties of $590,000 that were imposed for "willful violations" of the Bank Secrecy Act by failing to disclose accounts at Union Bancaire Privée in Switzerland and Barclays Bank Plc in the United Kingdom in USA v. Narinder Singh at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.