Sendjer Shefket

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Insider Talking: March 9, 2007

The web-sites of two companies whose dubious activities have been highlighted in recent editions of OffshoreAlert have been dismantled over the last few weeks; On February 12, 2007, OffshoreAlert received an email from Kristen Lawson, a “Legislative Advisor” with Miller Thomson LLP, a law firm based in Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Telecommunications and cable television firms in Bermuda and the Cayman Islands have been dragged into a long-running legal dispute over the ownership of a $900,000 airplane that was damaged in Hurricane Ivan; Under Prime Minister Keith Mitchell, Grenada has become the poster country for corruption and banking fraud; OffshoreAlert recently learned that U. S. Bank N.A. obtained a default judgment for $21 million against British-based alleged fraudster Sendjer Shefket and his British firm Target International Funds Ltd. at federal court in the USA on May 24, 2006; Convicted white-collar criminals who believe they are punished too severely in the United States should be thankful they don't operate in China; and While the U. S. legal system does not yet offer death as a punishment for fraudsters, it is still less than hospitable for convicted white-collar criminals, as Martin A. Armstrong can attest to.

Insider Talking: March 6, 2006

Perhaps in an attempt to limit the negative effects of a criminal complaint and - still outstanding - arrest warrant that were issued against him for alleged investment fraud at the U. S. District Court for the District of South Carolina on March 7, 2003, British-based, Cyprus-born businessman Sendjer Shefket, 46, has started using the name ‘Sencer Sevket' in his business dealings; 2005 was a busy year for offshore-focused attorney Nigel Scott Grant, 65, in more ways than one; and Japanese victims of the Imperial Consolidated Group are finding out first-hand just how useless the United Kingdom's Serious Fraud Office is when it comes to investigating and prosecuting serious fraud.

Another fraud action brought against UK investment promoter Sendjer Shefket

British national Sendjer Shefket, who has been subject to an outstanding U. S. arrest warrant for two years concerning an alleged investment fraud, has been accused of perpetrating another alleged scam.Shefket is one of several parties in civil litigation that was initially filed at the U. S. District Court for the Western District of Washington on September 23, 2004.

U.S. Bank NA v. Eel River Investment Company et al: Second Amended Complaint

Second Amendment Complaint in U.S. Bank N.A. v. Eel River Investment Company, Veril L. Olsen, Michael D. Ross, John E. Breazile, Michael Sullivan, Sterne Agee & Leech Inc., Eel River Acquisition Corporation, Ross Williamson & Loitz PLLC, Sendjer Shefket, of England; Target International Funds Ltd., of England, and Eel River Lumber Products LLC at the U. S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.

Insider Talking: January 31, 2005

Search the Internet for 'Caledonian Offshore Ltd.' and you will receive a plethora of hits for web-sites containing allegations that the firm engages in wholesale illegal activity, specifically that it takes money from residents of third-world countries on the false promise that they will be offered jobs in the offshore oil industry; Tthere is still no sign of the US Postal Service taking any action against another up-front-cash-for-non-existent-jobs fraudster - Rommy Kriplani, a few years after OffshoreAlert handed them more than enough evidence to bring a prosecution for mail fraud; Ten months after the closure of Canada-based OFC Publications Inc., which published Offshore Finance Canada and Offshore Finance USA magazines, another publisher of news about offshore financial centers and issues that affect them has closed down; The Financial Services Authority in the United Kingdom has refused an application for 'permission to carry on regulated activities' by Target Asset Management Limited, whose links with accused fraudster Sendjer Shefket were first revealed by OffshoreAlert on June 30, 2003; The Office of the Public Prosecutor of the Second Circuit in Panama has allowed a request from former employees of the now-defunct Harris Organization to freeze US$800,000 of its assets on the grounds that they were fired illegally, according to a report in El Panama America newspaper on December 27, 2004; Bermuda hotelier and former Minister of Tourism David Dodwell has settled litigation with a former business partner that lasted more than 12 years, spanned courts in three countries and was notable for its acrimony; British solicitor Mark Agombar, who was banned as a company director for six years in the United Kingdom last year for his part in a timeshare scam, was named as a defendant in a civil complaint filed by Johnston International Limited at the Turks & Caicos Islands Supreme Court on April 30, 2004; and The Securities Commission of the Bahamas announced on November 16, 2004 that it was "monitoring" a criminal investigation in Switzerland into suspected investment fraud and money laundering by Dieter Behring and "assessing any possible connections Mr. Behring may have with existing licensees or registrants of the Commission.

U.S. Bank NA v. Eel River Investment Company et al: First Amended Complaint

First Amendment Complaint in U.S. Bank N.A. v. Eel River Investment Company, Veril L. Olsen, Michael D. Ross, John E. Breazile, Michael Sullivan, Sterne Agee & Leech Inc., Eel River Acquisition Corporation, Ross Williamson & Loitz PLLC, Sendjer Shefket, of England, and Target International Funds Ltd., of England, at the U. S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.

UK firm denies business relationship with Target Group

A UK-based forex trading and spread betting firm has denied that it entered into a business partnership with the Target Group of Companies, two of whose principals are subject to arrest warrants in the United States."A number of months ago IFX did have discussions with Target with regard to entering in to a business relationship," said Alex Hartley, Compliance Director of IFX Markets. "However, nothing came of this. The relationship has now ceased."

Arrest warrants issued for directors of UK/offshore-based investment group

Two businessmen whose investment group includes an offshore IBC that was held out to the public as an investment fund have had arrest warrants issued against them in the United States. British national Sendjer Shefket, 43, and U. S. citizen Yen Lung Chen, 51, have been accused of operating a high yield investment scam.