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Michael Pickholz v. TransparentBusiness, Inc. et al: Amended Complaint (‘Whistleblower Retaliation’)

Amended Complaint alleging the plaintiff's employment was terminated "in blatant retaliation for raising concerns about what he reasonably believed to be financial or accounting fraud and violations of federal securities laws, rules and/or regulations" in Michael Pickholz v. TransparentBusiness, Inc., described as the operator of "a digital platform that helps companies manage remote workers", and Alexandre Konanykhin at the U.S. District Court for the District of New Jersey.

John Doe v. Germany et al: Complaint (‘$14.5M Panama Papers Whistleblower Reward’)

Complaint alleging the German authorities owe $14.5 million to the 'Panama Papers whistleblower' in John Doe, unidentified but described as "a citizen of the United States" who was "the original source of the Panama Papers" v. The Federal Republic of Germany and The Bundeskriminalamt of the Federal Republic of Germany at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

Video: COVID Relief Fraud – Opportunities to Recover Hundreds of Billions of Dollars

In this video, retired FBI Agent Gregory Coleman discusses how criminals have stolen hundreds of billions of dollars of COVID Relief funds and how the private and public sectors can work together to recover assets. The presentation will include a case study of one state’s aggressive approach to recovering funds stolen through unemployment insurance fraud.
OffshoreAlert Miami 2023

OffshoreAlert Miami – Final Agenda

After some late tweaks, the agenda for next week's OffshoreAlert Miami conference is now final - and it's one of the best that we've ever put on.

Hong Danielle Accettola v. Linda Mei He et al: Notice of Removal (‘Whistleblower Retaliation’)

Notice of Removal, including a copy of the complaint alleging "retaliatory" employment termination for complaining about "PPP loan fraud, insurance fraud, USCIS Fraud, SEC Fraud and Academic Fraud", in Hong Danielle Accettola v. Linda Mei He, described as a citizen and resident of China; WL Global Corp., of Delaware; WeEducation Group Inc., of Delaware, and Wailian Overseas Consulting Group Ltd., of the British Virgin Islands, at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Sayantani Ghose v. Ernst and Young LLP: Complaint (‘Whistleblower Retaliation’)

Complaint alleging whistleblower retaliation in Sayantani Ghose, described as someone who "contributed enormously to Ernst & Young, LLP for 15 years, moved up the ranks to partner and became an internationally known expert in transfer pricing, only to have her career at EY end because she refused to sign off on transactions that she believed violated tax and securities laws" v. Ernst & Young LLP, described as a Delaware "audit firm" based in New York, at the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Kevin Barnes v. Carson Block et al: Summons with Notice (‘$7M Share of $14M Whistleblower Reward’)

Summons With Notice for a claim of $7 million alleging the defendants "refused to compensate" the plaintiff for his work in "exposing ongoing fraud at a company publicly traded on the NASDAQ stock exchange" after defendant Carson Block received "an approximately $14 million whistleblower award" from the SEC in Kevin Barnes v. Carson Block and Muddy Waters LLC at the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York.

Risky Business: The Dangers of Intelligence-Gathering

Members of the opaque community of intelligence gatherers discuss the risks of their profession in this video. Speakers: Christopher Steele, Director & Joint Founder, Orbis Business Intelligence; Michael Ronickher, Partner, Constantine Cannon; and Andrew Wordsworth, Partner, Raedas.

Whistleblowers International v. Global Litigation Consulting Services LLC et al: Notice of Removal

Defendants' Notice of Removal, including a copy of the complaint seeking damages "for breach of fiduciary duty, tortious interference with business relations, breach of contract and declaratory judgment to set aside an unlawful and unethical contract entered into with Defendants to share the proceeds of a law firm with a non-lawyer independent contractor", in The Roberto Gonzalez Law Firm, d.b.a. Whistleblowers International, of the District of Columbia v. Global Litigation Consulting Services LLC, of Puerto Rico, and Christopher Piacentile, described as a resident of Puerto Rico and New York, at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Coinsquare Ltd. et al: Statement of Allegations

Statement of Allegations in a proceeding against Coinsquare Ltd., described as "a crypto asset trading platform located in Toronto"; Cole Diamond, Virgile Rostand, and Felix Mazer "to hold them accountable for their misconduct and to send a message to other market participants in the crypto asset sector that deceptive conduct will not be tolerated in Ontario's capital markets", at the Ontario Securities Commission. The allegations include market manipulation and "a reprisal against an internal whistleblower".

Coinsquare Ltd. et al: Settlement Agreement

Settlement Agreement between the Ontario Securities Commission, in Canada, and Coinsquare Ltd., which "operates a crypto asset trading platform in Toronto"; Cole Diamond, Virgile Rostand, and Felix Mazer.

Curtis Heffernan v. Dan Bilzerian et al: Whistleblower Retaliation Complaint

Complaint alleging whistleblower retaliation, defamation, and wrongful termination regarding "a serious concern of financial fraud, investor fraud, deceptive accounting practices and tax evasion by Ignite", which "is in the business of selling cannabidiol, cannabis, and beverage products", in Curtis Heffernan v. Ignite International Ltd., of Wyoming; Ignite International Brands Ltd., of Canada, and Dan Bilzerian at the Superior Court for the State of California, County of Los Angeles.

Amjad Rihan v. Ernst & Young Global Ltd. et al: Approved Judgment

Approved Judgment of $11 million in favor of the plaintiff - a whistleblower - against his former employer, Ernst & Young, regarding a claim for negligence involving suspected money laundering by a client, Dubai-based precious metals dealer Kaloti Jewellery International DMCC, in Amjad Rihan v. Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Europe LLP, Ernst & Young (EMEIA) Services Limited, and EYGS LLP at the High Court of Justice, London.

Dubai FSA v. Anna Waterhouse et al: Judgment

Judgment in The Dubai Financial Services Authority v. The Commissioner of Data Protection and Anna Waterhouse, formerly "Head of Legal & Compliance Middle East and North Africa for Deutsche Bank AG", at the Dubai International Financial Centre Courts.

Jack Yang v. Bank of New York Mellon Corp. et al: Complaint

Complaint by "a senior executive in the banking industry" against his former employer alleging retaliation for being a whistleblower about "the legality of Defendants' asset management services" in John 'Jack' Yang v. The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation, described as a Delaware-domiciled "global financial services company" based in New York; Alcentra NY LLC, described as a Delaware-domiciled "registered investment adviser" based in New York, and Alcentra Limited, described as a British asset manager based in London, at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Amjad Rihan v. Ernst & Young Global Ltd. et al: Judgment

Judgment of $11 million in favor of the plaintiff - a whistleblower - against his former employer, Ernst & Young, regarding a claim for negligence involving suspected money laundering by a client, Dubai-based precious metals dealer Kaloti Jewellery International DMCC, in Amjad Rihan v. Ernst & Young Global Limited, Ernst & Young Europe LLP, Ernst & Young (EMEIA) Services Limited, and EYGS LLP at the High Court of Justice, London.

Bradley Birkenfeld v. Kevin Costner et al: Complaint (State Court)

Complaint alleging fraud, negligent misrepresentation, and intentional interference with advantageous or business relationship regarding Plaintiff's book 'Lucifer's Banker: The Untold Story of How I destroyed Swiss Bank Secrecy' in Bradley C. Birkenfeld, a United States citizen residing in Malta who is best-known for whistleblowing on UBA AG, of Switzerland v. Leonard A. Lauder, described as "chairman emeritus" and former CEO of Estée Lauder cosmetics and fragrances firm, and Kevin M. Costner, described as "an American actor, director, producer, and musician", at the Circuit Court of the 15th Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County, Florida. Editor's Note: This complaint was filed at state court in Florida 12 days after a similar complaint was dismissed at federal court in Miami for "lack of jurisdiction".

Anshuman Chandra et al v. Standard Chartered Bank et al: Complaint

Complaint alleging "unlawful retaliation" against alleged whistleblowers for exposing a "highly sophisticated money laundering scheme on behalf of Iran" in Anshuman Chandra, of India, and Julian M. Knight, of the United Kingdom v. Standard Chartered Bank, of England; Standard Chartered Bank, of Dubai, and Standard Chartered Bank, of New York, at the U. S. District Court for the Southern District of New York.

Football Leaks: Whistleblower or Thief?

This session will examine the investigation that exposed the computer hacker behind the huge theft of confidential information from the international football industry and also ask whether, in this era of leaked data, the media and others are now too

Donald Trump & Ukraine: Whistleblower Complaint

Whistleblower Complaint to the Intelligence Committees of the U. S. Senate and House of Representatives regarding allegations of abuse of office involving U. S. President Donald Trump and the Government of Ukraine.

A Whistleblower’s Guide To The Bounty: How to Confidentially Blow the Whistle & Qualify for Multi-Million Dollar Rewards

In this session, whistleblowers' attorney Steve Kohn will discuss how his client, Howard Wilkinson, blew the whistle on his former employer, Denmark-based Danske Bank, which has been implicated in a €200 billion Russian money laundering scandal and is now being criminally investigated in the UK, US, France, and Estonia. Steve will discuss opportunities for whistleblowers to become multi-millionaires by exposing wrongdoing in global financial institutions and other types of companies, both in the United States and overseas.

How To Make Millions From Whistleblowing

Hear from the heads of the whistleblower units of the SEC, the CFTC, and the IRS, Stephen Kohn, who represents the Danske Bank whistleblower, and Canadian securities regulator Christine Tabbert.

Shareef Abdou v. Brian Mahany et al: Notice of Removal

Notice of Removal, including a copy of the complaint, by Brian Mahany and Mahany & Ertl LLC in Shareef Abdou v. Brian Mahany, Joseph Bird, and Mahany & Ertl at the U. S. District Court for the Eastern District of Wisconsin.

Whistleblowers Discuss What Really Goes On Inside International Banks

There is compelling evidence that many of the world's leading banks pay lip service to compliance and, if fees are high enough, will knowingly engage in criminal activity on behalf of clients. In this session, two whistleblowers will discuss what really went on inside their former employers.
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